Human Rights at Delivery Hero

Delivery Hero recognizes its responsibility in a global and dynamic marketplace and has implemented a Human Rights surveillance system (HRSS) designed to identify and mitigate risks in its own operations and its supply chains.

In our Third Party Code of Conduct (EN/DE), our Human Rights Policy and our Human Rights Statement (EN/DE) we commit to conducting our businesses in a fair and responsible manner, by upholding all internationally recognized human rights within our company and also in our supply chain. This includes, amongst others, Principles of the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), Guidelines of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) for multinational enterprises,  Conventions and recommendations of the International Labor Organization (ILO) on labor and social standards, The Universal Declaration of Human Rights of the United Nations, and United Nations convention on the rights of the child.

We focus on living wage, working hours, discrimination, respect for freedom of association, and occupational health and safety as particularly sensitive areas in the context of Delivery Hero Group’s activities.


We care 

We are committed to consciously monitoring our activities and those along our supply chains. Thus we have created a compliance management system (CMS) tailored specifically to the activities of our Group. The CMS enables us to: 

1. Create transparency both in our own business operations and in our supply chain,

2. Identify any (imminent) human rights violations and,

3. if necessary, to take the necessary measures. 


Our CMS is based on several pillars:

1. Awareness & Trainings: Promoting a culture of respect of Human Rights by means of policies, guidelines, and training of our own employees

2. Third party management: Inclusion of human rights and environmental binding clauses and commitments in our commercial agreements, including termination clauses, as well as due diligence on those counterparties which have been identified as presenting a higher risk. 

3. Ongoing monitoring:  We work on the surveillance of our third parties activities to ensure that mitigation measures in place are sufficient to ensure compliance with our human rights principles.

4. Reporting & Investigating: We offer an anonymous and confidential reporting channel through which employees and third parties can report any suspected misconduct or wrongdoing in a safe manner.